
Derek Overfield

From the Artist:  "My work seeks to elevate and highlight the human figure, while exploring elements of freedom, honesty and strength. Through simplicity of composition and economy of elements, I hope to achieve this elevation. I strive to create figures that are devoid of unnecessary ornamentation and are pure - both visually and conceptually."
"I seek to explore concepts of power and stillness in relation to the human form, as well as the strength of the human will. Like a compressed spring, the figures are intended to exhibit a metaphysical potential energy, a capability to act or move. I attempt to capture the powerful entity that is the human mind/body/will combination. My work also explores the forces applied to and engaging the figures through visual tension. Metaphysical gravity is one such force that provides the figures' with their sculptural heaviness. Their weight is an attempt to reflect the weight of mankind's existence, further exhibiting the strength of the will."
"These paintings are process driven, with the act of studying and responding to the figure playing a large role. Also highly important to my work is simplicity, urgency and spontaneity. I work from life to seize a moment and the vitality and energy of the figure. I encourage the viewer to step closer and explore the personal signature of each stroke and the spontaneous effects of paint, water, freedom and reverence of the human form."
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