
If your work is being featured in a gallery, venue, reception opening, trunk show, what-have-you, and would like to have the details listed here, please submit as follows:

Your Name or Representative

Project Type

Location = Venue, Address, City, State, Country, etc.



Website or Link Reference

Other Considerations (i.e.) admission, fees, etc.

I cannot guarantee that each and every submission will be posted.  Entries may be juried due to time and space constraints, and we'll do our best to get everyone in!

Thanks for your interest.

For Your Information...

Photos, artwork, content, projects and/or materials featured in the Spotlight section belong to each individual artist or designer as presented. If you would like to request permission for content or photo use of an artist or designer, please contact them directly. The DesignMakers does not act as agency or representative for individual artists or designers.

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