
Wrapping up 2011

Thanks to all of the readers that have been supportive of The DesignMakers featured here.

Unfortunately, due to time and schedule restraints, and frankly trying to run a business and working full time has taken its toll, and The DesignMakers blog will be wrapping up this month and no longer posting daily features.

Occasionally, as we come across information that will be helpful to the handmade and design community we will be posting the information here for your use and also sending out e-mails to our contacts.

Again, thanks for your readership, and please continue to support the handmade artisans who work so tirelessly at their craft.

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For Your Information...

Photos, artwork, content, projects and/or materials featured in the Spotlight section belong to each individual artist or designer as presented. If you would like to request permission for content or photo use of an artist or designer, please contact them directly. The DesignMakers does not act as agency or representative for individual artists or designers.

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